
Panama is a popular medical tourism destination because many Panamanian doctors have been educated and trained in the United States, Canada or Europe and speak English. Many of Panama’s medical doctors and dentists worked in the US-controlled Panama Canal Zone as well as for US military personnel and their families from 1904 to the end of 1999.

Panama also has some of the most modern, hi-tech hospitals in all Latin America. One state-of-the-art hospital is the crown jewel of Latin America. Punta Pacifica is affiliated with John’s Hopkins Hospital, their first in Latin America.  Panama is only a short flight from many airports in the United States, including Miami, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New York, and Washington D.C. Los Angeles also have direct flights to Panama City.

Panama has some of the most modern, hi-tech hospitals in all Latin America. One state-of-the-art hospital is the crown jewel of Latin America.

Medical Tourism in Panama

Panama offers qualified medical doctors and surgeons in the most popular medical tourism specialties, such as: plastic surgery, orthopedic surgery, ophthalmology, cardiac, and bariatric surgery. Foreigners can fly into Panama and stay at 4 or 5-star hotel before and after treatments or surgery and be able to tour Panama City, the Panama Canal, and other top tourist destinations including beautiful beaches, islands, and rain forests. Panama also offers top-notch local and international cuisine in restaurants featuring fresh seafood and imported Black Angus beef.

There is an important flow of tourist’s coming from different latitudes of the planet that come to Panama searching for private medical attention. Amongst the medical specialties that are most sought out by tourists, you can find neurosurgery and some treatments that may not be offered in their home country such as Stem Cell and Anti-Aging Treatments.  No wait times, no co-pays…just quality health care at affordable prices.

Get In Touch With Us

+1 780-306-2353

Available in Panama
Double knee replacement done abroad can save you $80,000, all while receiving first rate, personalized care by an English speaking doctor!
Thousands of people travel each year to save up to 70% on face lifts, tummy tucks, breast implants, and many other procedures. Join our hundreds of satisfied customers each year, many who have saved thousands of dollars.
A Desire To Save Money. Typical savings by participating in dental tourism can be anywhere from 50% – 80%, all while receiving high quality dental work and getting a vacation at the same time.
New techniques to lose a 60% of your weight. Gastric plication and intragastric ballooning are constantly being developed to provide options for the patient

Passport Medical International is the winner of the ‘Leadership Excellence in Medical Facilitation’ award as the top medical tourism company internationally.
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